
Workshops are a valuable part of the ASM in-person experience. They are not recorded and will not be available for viewing on-demand. 

It is important to note some workshops run concurrently, please check your selections during the online registration process. If during registration, your preferred workshop is showing as FULL, you will have the opportunity to place yourself on a waiting list to attend. If a space becomes available, the Conference Managers will notify you directly.

Further workshop information can be viewed by using the dropdown widget on each listing.

Priority for workshop registrations is currently reserved for specialists, trainees, and anaesthetic technicians with full meeting registration.  Individuals with a day registration may add themselves to a waitlist by emailing, and subject to availability, may be offered a spot closer to the meeting date.

The Anaesthetic Technician Workshop Rotation during Session 2C of Thursday’s programme is included in the Anaesthetic Technician in-person registration, and pre-registration is not required.

Wednesday 6 November

Lead: Dr Nav Sidhu

Cost: $650 per person
Time: 1000-1400

Venue: Limelight 1, Aotea Centre

This 4-hour hands-on workshop will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to use gastric ultrasound in your clinical practice. The workshop will include multiple scanning sessions in different gastric states, image interpretation teaching, formative assessments, and a comprehensive handbook. An optional post-workshop mentoring facility will be available to support your learning.

Lead: Dr Alice Hickey

Cost: $265 per person
Time: 1030-1230

Venue: Limelight 2, Aotea Centre

The Malignant Hyperthermia Crisis workshop has been specifically developed to meet the requirements of the malignant hyperthermia emergency response guidelines of the ANZCA and FPM CPD Program. The workshop consists of pre-reading, an introductory interactive session, a practical session where participants will apply the MHANZ cards to a case, and case based discussion about key learning objectives including delivering an MH safe anaesthetic and post crisis care.

Lead: Drs Karen Pedersen & Greta Pearce

Cost: $265 per session
Time: 1300-1430 and 1500-1630

Venue: Limelight 2, Aotea Centre

This workshop is a small interactive and case-based group discussion aimed at general anaesthetists who want a refresher in the recognition, initial management, refractory management and post-crisis management of anaphylaxis. Eligible for ANZCA CPD emergency response activity.

Lead: Drs Daniel Fung, Alice Hickey

Cost: $265 per session
Time: 1300-1430 and 1500-1630

Venue: Waitakere 2, Aotea Centre

The most fitting example of a high stakes / low frequency situation, all anaesthetists and techs should have regular practice and training in these scenarios. During this workshop the participant will have the opportunity to refresh the latest CICO guidelines in a fun and interactive session, and practice the fine motor skills of placing a Front of Neck Access in a simulated situation. 

Lead: Mr Billy Doyle

Cost: $395 per session
Time: 1000-1130 and 1200-1330

Venue: Waitakere 1, Aotea Centre

The ACLS Workshop will include ALS Skills (a high intensity, repetitive task based activity to practice skills used in resuscitation such as manual defibrillation, cardioversion, TCP, inserting IO, ETT during chest compressions, TQs & major bleeding management & CPR) and ANZCOR ALS Guidelines (cardiac arrest scenarios).

Lead: Mr Billy Doyle

Cost: $445 per person
Time: 1400-1600

Venue: Waitakere 1, Aotea Centre

The PALS workshop (note that neonatal is not covered) will include ALS Skills (a high intensity, repetitive task based activity to practice skills used in resuscitation such as manual defibrillation, cardioversion, TCP, inserting IO, ETT during chest compressions, TQs & major bleeding management & CPR) and ANZCOR ALS guidelines for paediatric resuscitation (respiratory/cardiac arrest scenarios).

Wednesday 6 November - Off-Site Workshops

Pre-Hospital Initial Response And Treatment Education

Lead: Dr Kerry Holmes

Cost: $1975 per person
Time: 0730-1800

All profits from fees go to HEMZ, lunch included.  Minimum numbers required.

Venue: Ardmore Airport

Transfers depart Grand Millennium Hotel at 0645, and return from Ardmore Airport at 1800.

PIRATE Day aims to make you a useful doctor at the scene of any disaster you come across in your day-to-day life. Run by the doctors and paramedics of the Auckland Rescue Helicopter, it will teach you scene safety, initial life-saving treatments and how to cut the door off a car.

Lead: Mr Hardeep Hundal

Cost: $150 per person
Time: 0900-1100

Venue: Air NZ Simulation Lab, Rennie Drive

Transfers depart Grand Millennium Hotel at 0745, and return at 1100.

During your time in the Air New Zealand Training Centre, you will be immersed in the cabin crew training world where we will discuss how medical situations are managed onboard, what equipment and training is available to the crew. We will also cover other aspects of the crew training like survival, aviation medicine and demonstrate some of the emergency procedures.

Fully closed shoes must be worn - this is a safety requirement for the site.

Lead: Dr Chris Sames

Cost: $150 per person, including ferry ticket
Time: 1500-1600

Venue: Naval Base, Devonport

Transfers will be provided to and from the Downtown Ferry Terminal from the Grand Millennium Hotel. Delegates will travel to Devonport on the 1430 ferry and back on the 1645 ferry.

Delegates will be given a guided tour of the hyperbaric unit with a description of the type of work that is undertaken and will finish with an informal question and answer session. Delegates will also have the opportunity to explore the chamber inside and out.

Thursday 7 November

Lead: Drs Vincent Fong, Elitza Saradeva, Mark Chaddock

Cost: $265 per person
Time: 1030-1200

Venue: Limelight 1, Aotea Centre

A small-group hands-on ultrasound scanning workshop on volunteer models. Blocks included are  suprainguinal / infrainguinal fascia iliaca block,  Femoral nerve block + adductor canal nerve block, PENG block, Anterior sciatic nerve block  + popliteal nerve block, Ankle block).

Lead: Prof Ki Jinn Chin, Dr Cole Wong

Cost: $265 per person
Time: 1330-1515

Venue: Limelight 1, Aotea Centre

A small-group hands-on ultrasound scanning workshop on volunteer models. Core regional anesthesia techniques for upper limb anesthesia and analgesia will be covered, including: blocks above the clavicle (interscalene, superior trunk, superficial cervical plexus, supraclavicular) and below the clavicle (infraclavicular, axillary, mid-humeral and forearm blocks).

Lead: Dr Ashwina Rao

Cost: $350 per person
Time: 1530-1730

Venue: Waihorotiu 1, Aotea Centre

Includes a pre-workshop questionnaire, reading material and assessments.

How often do you encounter conflict day-to-day? This is a two hour skills- focused workshop that will introduce a different way of looking at your interactions with people. We will work through commonly encountered situations we face at work, showing you simple strategies for transforming the energy of conflict into meaningful interactions.

Lead: Drs Jared Smith, Vin Mistry, Amitha Abeysekera

Cost: $265 per person
Time: 1530-1700

Venue: Limelight 1, Aotea Centre

A small-group hands-on ultrasound scanning workshop on volunteer models. Topics to be covered include: Lumbar spine imaging, Erector spinae block + paravertebral nerve block, Serratus anterior nerve block, Pectoserratus and interpectoral plane block, TAP block, Rectus sheath.

Lead: Ms Choi Kew

Cost: $125 per person
Time: 1330-1530

Venue: Limelight 2, Aotea Centre

Aim: The course aims to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others’ cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the need for cultural competency
  • Understand the impact of culture on knowledge of the health system
  • Be more aware of your cultural values
  • Understand and learn how to apply the four elements of cultural competency (cultural awareness, sensitivity, knowledge and skills) in practice
  • Understand cultural sensitivity in practice
  • Gain knowledge and skills to develop cultural competency in practice

Thursday 7 November - Anaesthetic Technician Workshop Rotation

The Anaesthetic Technician Workshop rotation during Session 2C of Thursday’s programme is included in the Anaesthetic Technician in-person registration, and pre-registration is not required.  Each rotation is 25 minutes, with 5 minutes movement time.

Venues: Waitakere 1/Limelight 2/Waihorotiu 1, Aotea Centre

Lead: Mr Peter Hollins

Time: 1030-1230 (Session 2C)

Applied Medical’s on-site simulation SIMSEI units are designed for OR and surgical trainees who are interested in enhancing their skill sets and attaining hands-on experience on an optical simulation platform.

The session will give basic skills of camera orientation, instrument management with real time tactile interaction in the laparoscopic field through a series of exercises and skill practices.

Lead: Ms Amy Milburn, Mr Sean Lester

Time: 1030-1230 (Session 2C)

This session will include background anatomy, physiology, and mechanisms of action indicating nasal high flow as a prophylactic, protective strategy as well as tips and tricks for appropriate sizing, fitting and positioning of nasal cannula interface for patient comfort and optimal therapy delivery. 

Delegates will separate into two small group stations as below:

  • Optiflow Trace capnography cannula for use in procedural sedation
  • Optiflow Switch bag mask compatible cannula for use in intubation, extubation and ENT THRIVE.

Lead: Ms Samantha Baxendale

Time: 1030-1230 (Session 2C) 

Guidance from the NZATS working group regarding the framework on clinical and professional supervision of the new graduates of the perioperative practice degree.

Lead: Mr Dan Burt 

Time: 1030-1230 (Session 2C)

Topics to be covered include

  • treatment rationale and considerations nailing vs playing vs x-fix
  • instrumentation and powertools uses and tips and tricks.
  • principles essential to fracture management and bone healing and how to achieve this.  

Friday 8 November

Lead: Mr Tony Pragnell

Cost: $75 per person
Time: 0830-1000

Anaesthetic Technicians

Venue: Limelight 1, Aotea Centre

This workshop is an introduction to becoming proficient using ultrasound to locate vessels and achieve cannulation.  

The session is divided into two with :  

  • Educational presentations about the physics of ultrasound, ultrasound technique including tips and tricks as well as some coverage of infection control.  
  • Hands on practical sessions with a demonstrator who will guide you though the techniques described using a training aid. You will become familiar with handling the ultrasound and applying the lessons learnt. 

This session is designed to be an adjunct to your current practice of cannulation and will enable you to begin to develop your skills in your workplace in line with your local policies and protocols. 

Lead: Dr Johanne Egan

Cost: $125 per person
Time: 1330-1500

Venue: Limelight 2, Aotea Centre

We are experiencing a particularly challenging time in healthcare.  Come along to consider, explore and share the aspects of our jobs that keep us coming back each day.  What is within our sphere of influence to support ourselves and one another to sustain a satisfying career in medicine, to cope with the challenges and unexpected stressful situations?  This session will be facilitated by Dr. Jo Egan, an Emergency Medicine doctor with an interest in organisational culture, staff experience and compassion in healthcare

Lead: Drs Willem Van Der Merwe, Mike Schick, Daniel Anderson, George Stephenson

Cost: $265 per person
Time: 1330-1700

Venue: Limelight 1, Aotea Centre

The session will include an introductory talk and discussion on the group’s understanding of the topic. This will be followed by an hour of hands-on work at the ultrasound machines, and then a talk on pathology. This will be followed by a final block of hands on with scenarios - using models to get basic views to learn pathology seen on a laptop including Tamponade, Massive PE, Poor LV function, Hypovolaemia, Pulmonary oedema and Pneumothorax.

Saturday 9 November

Lead: Dr Jeremy Cooper

Cost: $125 per person
Time: 0830-1000

Venue: Limelight 2, Aotea Centre

Financial literacy for Anaesthesia professionals in NZ. A brief look at  the topics you have to know about to successfully manage the financial aspects of your life. The topics include incomes (both public and private), saving, where to get investment advice from, relevant mathematics (sorry!!), and examples to make you cringe. Delegates should gain more knowledge, and more ambition to take care of their financial reality. 

Lead: Drs Abhi Charukonda, Fergal McDonagh, Priya Shanmuganathan, Dan Cochrane

Cost: $265 per person
Time: 1030-1200

Venue: Limelight 1, Aotea Centre

An immersive workshop designed for practical, hands-on learning. Explore (sono)anatomy, refine scanning techniques, and integrate a valuable skill into your clinical repertoire.

Workshop Cancellations

All cancellations or workshop changes must be made in writing to the Conference Managers at

Cancellation or registration change date


On or before 6 October 2024

A full workshop refund will be issued.

After 6 October 2024

No refund available*

On the day of the workshop

No refund available

* Unless your space can be filled by another delegate on a waiting list, at which time your workshop fee will be refunded in full.

Should the required minimum numbers not be reached for a workshop, the workshop will be cancelled, and your workshop fee will be refunded in full.